Monday, November 5, 2018

Happy 5th of November.

Happy 5th of November. The last post I made was also on the 5th of November, right before midterm elections. Eight whole years ago. It seems fitting that my return to this blog should be on the same day, which also happens to fall on the eve of the Midterms.  

I could have never guessed what the political climate in America would have been like eight years after Guy Fawkes Day in 2010. I voted in my first national election a few days after I made that post. I have voted in many since then, but I will never forget sitting on my couch almost two years ago when the realization that Donald Trump would be our next president hit me. I got numb. I cried. How in the world could we take such a huge step back when we had just had our first black president who did not get everything done we wanted to be done, by any means but gave us so many fantastic strides forward. And who also (and possibly most importantly) gave us FLOTUS Michelle Obama. But what really got me was how could the MAJORITY of white WOMEN vote for a man who clearly HATES women instead of a white woman who wanted to help women?

Van Jones called it whitelash. I agreed. The next day I went to work, and I was so angry that I barely said a word to anybody. For months I came home and sat on my couch watching CNN for hours on hours as the chaos that was the trump administration unfolded. I got so numb from the craziness that I stopped watching the news altogether.

A few months ago, my fellow Liberal Lady texted me and said we should start the blog back up. I still had news exhaustion and was not paying much attention to politics, but I thought about how much I used to love knowing what was happening in the government. I slowly started trying to get back into keeping current with the news. I was mad that Donald Trump not only won the election. He got us to stop paying attention, exhausted from trying to digest the racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, bigotry, and all the other insanity. Don’t let this be normal. This is not normal.

When the government is not working for the benefit of the vast majority of the people, then it is not a government that is working. I would tell you all to vote tomorrow because we need to stop this dangerous administration and because it is a literal life and death situation for so many people. But you already know that.

So, I will just leave you with this.

Remember, Remember…