Saturday, November 13, 2010


I apologize for the gap between posts, but I've been doing some serious thinking. I recently went to a vegetarian festival, and was astounded at how happy and healthy everyone looked. It was nice not to have to scan the menu while thinking in my head meat, meat, meat, BINGO VEGGIES! As a vegan, being able to eat anything on a menu is a luxury that most meat eaters take for granted. I found myself wondering why life couldn't be like the festival. Everyone happy and healthy and not eating food that will kill them. 

Through all this thinking, Liberal ladies, I have have decided to share my conclusions. Be prepared... I'm about to drop a serious truth bomb on you (most likely no one got that reference because I'm the only person in the world who watches Cougar Town).

Americans have a terrible diet. While this might not be news to you, the extent to which the food we eat is literally killing us is relatively unknown to many people. Meat and Dairy products have been found to have a slew of disease causing agents. I'm not going to bore you with dozens of statistics about the damaging effects of America's fascination with harmful substances. I will say though, that if you are eating meat or dairy, you are killing yourself. This isn't just me being a preachy vegan, it's just science. Not only do these "foods" make you fat, which is a rapid death accelerator, but they also have been known to cause Cancer along with other scary diseases like Parkinson's, Heart Attack, Stroke, and Osteoporosis. There is even research being done about how cutting Dairy and meat out and adopting a Whole Foods diet can actually reverse the effect of disease in the body. In case you were zoning out during all the nutrition talk, I'm going to re-emphasize that last point. CUTTING OUT DAIRY CAN REDUCE THE EFFECT OF DISEASE.  Dairy is a silent killer, and a lot of people don't know how bad it really is. With Dairy, you're stuck with a lose lose situation. Higher fat Dairy has more saturated fat and will clog your arteries. Lower fat Dairy has more ability to stimulate cancer growth. That's right, I said STIMULATE CANCER GROWTH. I don't want to use this blog as a means to convert people to my lifestyle, but promise me something... do some research. I highly encourage everyone to see the movie Forks over Knives when it comes our in March. I was lucky enough to see an early screening, and I can honestly say it is an incredible movie. It is a well made narrative of American's diets, and how what we're eating is making us sick. Also, everyone should read Skinny Bitch. Don't let the name fool you, these ladies are serious about being healthy, and kicking ass. In fact, Kim and Rory would fit right in with us. Read their books, and begin to see the dark underbelly of food in America. Read other books such as In Defense of Food, and An Omnivore's Dilemma. Check out and Get all the information before you write anything off as not applying to you. 

To make this political, I will note that the reason Dairy is promoted as healthy is because the Dairy Industry wants to make money. This makes sense, but the sick part is that the government refuses to say anything contrary because they are sleeping with the Dairy Industry. The USDA and FDA are corrupt beyond belief. So ladies, before you chow down on pizza or some mac and cheese, consider that poison you're putting into your bodies. Also consider that smart, liberal ladies are not the most common finding in many places around our country. Take care of your bodies so you can live long healthy lives, and so you can have enough strength to refute republican lunacy. 

Feel free to comment and share your thoughts on nutrition. 

Happy Learning and Eating 

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