Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Post-election Musings

Hello fellow liberal ladies (and I guess gentleman too if you're reading)! I could not think of a day more fitting to start this political blog, or to discuss restoring reason than November 3rd aka the day after election day. 

Well, Midterm Elections 2010 were exciting, to say the least. America successfully avoided electing a witch, but the actual people elected aren't necessarily an improvement. 

In Florida, clearly people have been drinking a little too much tea. The Senator elect, Marco Rubio, is pretty scary considering his conservative statements during the primaries. He strongly opposed abortion, stem-cell research, gay rights, and the President in general. He poses an especially big problem, because it has been said that he has his eye on the White House. The last thing we need is a socially backward charmer from humble beginnings making a play for the presidency in 6 to 10 years. In addition, the Governor elect in Florida, Rick Scott's company was fined for Medicare fraud in the past. When confronted, Scott claimed he didn't know about it. The CEO didn't know about massive Medicare fraud? Likely story...Who would trust a known corrupt criminal with their state? WHAT WERE PEOPLE THINKING? 

Rand Paul (you know, Ron Paul's son) was elected to the Senate yesterday in Kentucky. To give you a little insight into the complex libertarian slash conservative nature of Rand, this is what he thinks of Medicare:  "The fundamental reason why Medicare is failing is why the Soviet Union failed -- socialism doesn't work." What a gem... nice work Kentucky. WHAT WERE PEOPLE THINKING? 

Another stupendous choice was Jim DeMint, the Senate Elect from South Carolina. You remember Jim DeMint, Mister American values. DeMint spoke out against gays in every way possible. They shouldn't adopt children, get married, or even teach school! This ultra conservative tea bagger made sure to tell his fellow crazies that were elected that they better stay true to their Tea Party ideals, and not sell out in Washington and compromise with those loose moral Republicans. I mean seriously... WHAT WERE PEOPLE THINKING? 

I would like to commend those of you who made the right choice, and voted for a qualified candidate yesterday, and by which I can only mean a Democrat. Some people recognized the need to look past the allure of fancy costumes, outlandish signs, and the pleasant aroma of tea, and make good decisions. I would especially like to recognize those California voters who kept Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman out of office. These results almost make the map look a little less RED. 

Restoring reason in this country is crucial at this time, and we need to bind together as rational, educated liberal ladies (and gentleman?) and stand up for what is best for America. Certainly electing right wing extremists is not the right path. I'm not advocating that we elect extremist liberals either. All I'm asking is that we discuss what is the best choice and make compromises to get things done. Enough filibusters. Enough delaying legislation. Enough refusing to discuss bills so that what passes doesn't reflect what anyone really wants. Enough calling our president a Kenyan, Muslim terrorist. Enough is enough. Let's move toward reason and sanity and make compromises like we have in this country for over 200 years. Let's be American for crying out loud! 

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